Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pole Class: Day Ten

I just wanted to start off with a shout out to Poletential. I absolutely love this studio and it has definitely changed my life. The group of lovely ladies that instruct at Poletential are amazing and super supportive. There are so many amazing opportunities get a chance to meet professional dancers in workshops, train to dance professionally, and meet people who have the same exact interests as you.

Last night was my 10th drop-in class and I'm more than excited to renew the 10-pack. I have definitely gone really far from Day One when I was in awe of the advanced girls climbing the poles the ceiling of our warehouse sized studio. Another 10-pack is definitely going to improve my skills even more. Every additional class I go to pushes me closer to get my own pole and closer to the studio. Now I really want to represent the studio with Poletential merchandise, which everyone has except for me!!

So last night's Sultry Class was taught by Ellen Lovelace and I swear it's the perfect class to get you in the mood to perform. Without this class I wouldn't know what to do with all the tricks I've been learning. Last night we built on top of last week's class to finish off the dance with some floor work and a climb. You wouldn't think that you would get sore from it, but I when I woke up this morning my rib cage and lower back were feeling pretty tight.

Ellen is perfect at instructing Sultry. I remember my first class with her last week when she was applauding us for our stripper status performance. A room full of strippers! Yea baby. I really can't wait to learn another choreographed dance. Her dances flow so smoothly and really showcase the performer's body to the fullest.

There was one last thing I wanted to mention about last night that has gotten me really excited. I decided to break in my new red Tony Shoes platforms in Sultry Pole because I didn't want to do anything extreme and prevent twisting an ankle. Without even putting the shoes on and trying them out I had a foreboding feeling about climbing in them, and Ellen confirmed my fear. But everyone agreed that they were damn sexy. But the shoes proved me wrong! In addition to being super comfortable (leather feels sooo much better than plastic) they gave super climbing powers! I was up the pole so fast that I even surprised myself! I want to say that it was because I have improved in my climbing abilities but I have to give credit to the leather that gave me grip to climb up the pole. Last night was the highest I ever climbed the pole and it wasn't too difficult at all. In addition to my newfound climbing power, these shoes make it so easy for me to drag the tips of my shoes along the floor as I do laps around the pole.

These are my first pair of Tony Shoes and so far I'm really happy with them. They do make me look stumpy because they're not clear on the bottom. I was actually voicing out my desire to have a white pair aloud in class last night and Ellen told me that white is the (slutiest?...can't remember now) color in terms of stripper shoes. Haha! I had no idea. I figured clear, neon, red, blinking or goldfish heels were more stripper-esque than white. I bet the white ones would get super dirty fast though. I would have to save them for private one-on-one performances ;)

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