Friday, February 19, 2010

Pole Class: Day Eleven

If you want to get your ass kicked in pole class then go to Poletential's Tricked Out Pole (TOP) on Thursday nights. This class will work out every single muscle you have in your body...your gluts, abs, obliques, back, shoulders and every single joint you have too. By the time Ellen was done with us, my hands were shaking at the end of class. This class is great if you like a challenge and don't want to be bothered with the pretty twirls, this is gymnastics territory.

This was my first tricked out pole class taught by Ellen, who also instructs Basics on Mondays and Sultry on Wednesdays. I think everyone rotates to instruct this class so that they end up teaching this class once a month. But I love all the instructors and they all have their own unique style of teaching!

I learned a lot of new things in last night's class. I actually requested that Ellen teach us this one move I saw a girl (Amy) from a youtube video do in her dance which looked amazing. She got into a cross ankle release and bent all the way back to hold onto the pole...and she was spinning around the pole at the same time! So cool!!

Sooo...for safety reasons we didn't do this move. If there were about 7 Ellens I think we might have been able to. Haha. If it's your first time doing this move, you definitely need someone to spot you.

Afterward, we did some air inversions that I wasn't too great at. I was able to air invert at the end of class, but it was the cheater version where I use the momentum of my legs versus using my core muscles to do an upside down sit up. From the air invert, Ellen taught us how to get into an Apprentice...

...and then into the Butterfly...

Needless to say, I did not get into the Butterfly because I was too busy trying to figure out how to lift myself up with 7-inch heels on. Haha.

Ellen saved the best for last. Twirl Girl made the request to learn how to do a Cartwheel Mount after witnessing her brother do it on her own pole at home without any training! Guys' center of gravity is carried up high which makes it a lot easier for them than it is for no fair!

My left wrist was in a lot of pain after this one, and I didn't even do it!

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