Thursday, February 18, 2010

MAC and Lady Gaga Team Up!

Nothing makes more sense to me than shopping for what you love and simultaneously donating money towards a cause. MAC is teaming up with Lady Gaga and Cyndi Lauper to promote two new Viva Glam lipsticks. When you buy any VIVA Glam lipsticks or lipglass, every penny of your purchase will go towards helping men, women and kids affected with HIV and AIDS. Spending money never felt so good...


  1. how fun! i was buying MAC makeup today and they were saying how the Lady Gaga items were selling the best.
    xox alison

  2. I actually put three of the Lady Gaga VIVA GLAM lipsticks on hold since the MAC at Normdstroms is getting a shipment of 400 in tomorrow! yay! MAC shopping is fun!
