Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pole Class: Day Four

To mix it up a little bit, I decided to try out one of Poletential's newest classes they offer, Flirty Tricks. This class was taught by Cat tonight and she is an amazing instructor. In one of my earlier posts I mentioned how she reminds me of Morgana from the Mists of Avalon, but that's off topic. What I was trying to say is that Cat moves like water and is absolutely angelic. She has a history of dancing so that definitely explains her gracefulness. I tried my best to mimic her, unfortunately I realized the difference in skill level when she did the splits and I was still in a lunge position.

What I really enjoyed about this class was that from start to finish the exercises and moves we did were fun and flirty (although I think I laughed at myself a lot tonight for looking like a dork). We did some fun banana peel ab exercises that I want to do at home now partly just so I can see my legs rub slowly against each other...

I don't think I can seriously try to name or even number the amount of tricks we did tonight. There were a lot of variations. We started with twirls and spins...hooking with our ankles and knees. I think I actually did one right this time! But I have to give all the credit to Cat since I really get a move when I can conceptualize it in my mind. I had a problem pushing the pole with one of my hands while I lean out, but she said that it's easier if you're just more lazy about it and let the momentum of your hip swing you. Then I did it!

Afterward we did pole climbing and inversions. Cat taught us a lot of different types of inversions, including the Caterpillar that was taught in Total Pole last Saturday. I'm getting closer! One of the more interesting inversions she taught us was what I'm going to call the Butt Crack Inversion because the pole is literally in between your butt crack for support while you do a hand stand and prop your legs up onto the pole. No hands!

I felt like I had a really good work out tonight, especially since I heard myself panting several times. Even though my arms don't feel like they're about to fall off, I definitely can feel the bruises. The bruises I got from this class are actually worse than from the Saturday Total Pole class. Sliding down the pole hurts! So don't take this class lightly ladies!

Another thing that I really liked about this class was that tonight there were only 3 girls, so I was able to ask Cat a lot of questions about shoes and portable poles. Unfortunately she did say that the X-Pole can come off if you don't install it right since it sticks from pressure. Scary!! Now I want one that is drilled into the ceiling! She also mentioned today how important it is to have a good instructor. At Crunch Fitness they also offer pole classes, but apparently there's a lawsuit against them because the instructor walked away and someone got hurt! Why would you want to take pole dancing at a fitness gym anyways? Go to the pros!

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