Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pole Class: Day Six

My second Flirty Tricks pole class with Cat! She was just as amazing as last time. For this class my goal was to minimize bruises, which means control and strength building. Did it work? Nooooo. I have bruises from climbing up the pole and sliding down. How does everyone else do it without getting the bruises??

Last night we did a combination of climbing, inversions, poses and twirls. What I really love about this class is that I get to go over moves that I start out learning from the Saturday Total Pole class. So I got to practice some more on my basic twirl, circular front hook with the knee and ankle, and corkscrew (which I nailed the first time I tried it last night!!!!!!). What's also really cool about this class is that Cat loves to introduce us to different variations of the twirl moves. The one variation I really liked was the stag. When you're doing a stag twirl variation both legs are bent at the knees and free from the pole. We also did variations where we held the back of our heels or let one arm go to reach out at the audience.

Besides the twirls, we worked a lot on poses once you're up on the pole. We did some basic ones to warm us up like the Chair:

From the chair pose, you can bring both your feet together stretched out like you were a plank (ankles crossed). With both your hands still gripping the pole, lean backwards so that your tailbone touches the pole. Your feet should be above your head. Once you're in this position you can move one hand below your tailbone and keep one on top to grip the pole as you split your legs into a V.

The move I thought was pretty awesome is called Hello Boys:

I swear Cat can insert a V into any pose, twirl or inversion (and I love it!). It's actually pretty difficult to get your legs out into a V like this. But it's hot as hell.

One of the last moves we were working on was a V hand stand. You have to really trust yourself here.

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