Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Alter Ego Is a Bad ASS Chick That Does Brazilian JiuJitsu

I'm about to make a really bad mistake or one of the best decisions for my pole dancing shoe collection...and I blame it on the coffee I'm drinking this morning.

Last evening I decided that I wanted to get a pair of black ankle boots that look very similar to the ones Alethea Austin wore at the 2010 USPDF competition. I was already looking at ankle boots around the time I viewed her performance online, but then I totally switched and decided to go with showing some skin after I saw how good they looked on her.

I really wanted to get these below but they don't have my size on either the Snaz75 or Forplay websites...

Pleaser Delight-1027 5 3/4 inch heel

So I'm going to get these!!! Yes yes I know that you're thinking that they're almost 7 inches...but have you seen how short I am? I don't think anyone will notice.

If you look closely, they're the same exact pair as the ones above...just with a higher platform.

Pleaser Sky-332 6 3/4 inch heel

I like the design of this heel, but hate that it's 8 inches. It's monstrous.

Pleaser Xtreme-873 8 inch heel

What's funny is that I actually talked myself into not buying another pair of heels until next month...but then I checked my e-mail this morning and Forplay sent me a 20% coupon code and I was swayed the other direction. Some things were just meant to be I guess.

In regards to the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu title...YES, I have decided to enroll in Ralph Gracie's Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy. FINALLY. When I used to live in a studio in Berkeley, I would run by this place all the time on my way to the Berkeley Marina. I would stop and stare and grab a pamphlet...consider walking inside to ask questions...get chicken shit scared and run away. But I just wasn't ready. And I didn't see any girls. But who cares? I'm a bad ass chick right? So I'm going to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.


  1. Those heels look very sexy, but i'd imagine you would have to be very accomplished and talented to wear them for long periods, walk big distances, or do Jiu Jitsu in them. They would look fantastic on stage, in photo-shoots and in movies. I'd need to watch your pole dancing more to see how they worked for your routines. They sure do look nice.

  2. It's funny you said that, because the other day I think I walked miles in a pair of heels and cut my ankles doing it. I didn't realize how bad it was until after my morning run when I saw my bloodied socks and running shoes! Hardcore! No pain no gain!
