Thursday, April 15, 2010

Me + Pole = GoldenMinx

I'm the worst when it comes to making up titles and nicknames. Since titles and nicknames are important when it comes to someone's first impression, I usually spend a good amount of time thinking them over. I think it's safe to say that I've been thinking about my StudioVeena nickname for about 3 months now. And I still don't think it accurately describes how I see myself as a pole dancer.

BUT I must prepare myself for that day. That day where I can no longer afford to pay for drop-in classes at my beloved dance studio, Poletential. And I feel that day is coming fast. I will soon be a poor college student again, and when that happens I will no longer have a really great source of income. So with the pressure of being poor, I made myself think about it and I finally came up with GoldenMinx.

I chose "Minx" because my alter ego has a lot more sexual self-confidence and can tear men apart (literally). And I chose "Golden" because (1) Minx by itself sounds strange and (2) I will have my gold titanium pole soon! So when you put them together you get a GoldenMinx! I hope you don't think that's lame. It's the best that I could do, and I need to start cracking on instructional pole dance videos!

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