Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I think I'm a really peculiar person when it comes to interests. While I do have an inner desire to exude my sexuality and have an obsession with living an ultra femme lifestyle...lingerie, heels, make-up, hosiery, manicures, and ridiculously luxurious surroundings included...I DO also have this FASCINATION with menswear.

While most female magazine subscribers tend to go for Elle, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, In Style, Lucky and Allure, fashion magazines that clearly target women, I have long lost the curiosity to flip through their pages. What I need is inspirational, dramatic and sexual iconography. So for the woman's side I choose W and Vogue. I would probably subscribe to Nylon and Harper's Bazar too if I had that much spare time to read. Yes I take the time to thoroughly read my magazines cover to cover. For the man's side I subscribe to Details, Maxim and GQ. I would subscribe to FSM if it wasn't so darn expensive to get my hands on the UK version.

So while I love Vogue and W magazines because of the ads (photographers are the best!) and insights into the luxury fashion world, I have to say that GQ is my clear favorite. I always look forward to their articles which the journalist do an amazing job researching and the topics are always so unconventional (they don't follow trends!). But before I discovered their must-read articles, I was drawn first and foremost from the complicated art and practice of coordinating a modern man's outfit be it casual, work or play.

I think if was a man today, I would have a lot more difficulty than a woman dressing myself if I wanted to look GQ. As a woman I barely ever accessorize. Sometimes it's not even really necessary. So to me, it's a piece of cake dressing up a woman. But how in the hell would I ever be able to piece together a GQ outfit?

What's kind of strange is that I think about these things. Like where would I shop if I was a man? Here's my list...

Forever 21

Urban Outfitters
Ben Sherman

Hugo Boss
Thomas Pink

Sometimes I think about how cool it would be to have a fashionist-o male friend. I've actually always wanted to live with a male friend who dressed exceptionally well, and there would be no way in hell that I would ever fall for someone like that either. Who wants to date a guy who grooms more than you and has more accessories than you? No thank you.

I was actually going somewhere with this if you all thought I was just babbling! Haha. Well while I was searching for online images of Gucci shoe ads, I stumbled upon an image that was actually from a blog for men. This blog is heavily influenced by Kanye West's outfits, and I don't blame them either, because Kanye does have style.

So while I'll occasionally check out blogs that focus on womenswear, I'm so much more fascinated with menswear. Oh well.

BTW, I also have been playing around with the idea of wearing men's cologne. Specifically Versace's Eau Fraiche which I just sprayed in my room and am loving!!!! I'm not really concerned of its effect on men, but I am a little apprehensive of women sniffing me. Haha. Versace's Bright Crystal for women is also a great fragrance. I like it because it's sensual and soft, but you're going to have to spray about half the bottle on yourself because I feel like it's too weak. Actually I've been trying out different perfumes these past couple of days and I think I'm making my nose very unhappy. I did settle on a MAC fragrance that smells of Vanilla, but it's so musky that I have to add a floral scent to it so it's not so overwhelming. This is supposed to be my "men magnet" combo, but I'm still working on the perfect pairing.


  1. Great post, you have some interesting thoughts. I bought a spritzer of Victoria's Secret body spray to use as a room freshener once. I loved the smell and at the time I had two guy room mates (we're all straight) and they loved the smell too. I never realized how much work women put into looking good until I stumbled across a haul video on You Tube. This pretty woman was showing her make up and describing it and I was like, dang, women don't get enough credit for all the thought and effort they put in! LOL, I guess us guys are lucky. Although, it's a hard line to walk fashion wise because as a guy you want to look fashionable without looking gay. Not there's anything wrong with being gay.

  2. I love this post. While some guys notice the blood, sweat and tears that goes into looking flawless, MOST men don't! Especially the ones you're doing all the work for!! In addition to your basic hygienic routine, most women get facials, waxed, manicure/pedicures, color their hair and tan (if needed). On top of that we should smell amazing too if we want to grab anyone's attention.

    But I do agree with you that it's difficult to look fashionable without looking overly metro or gay (but there is nothing wrong with that!). I need to date a guy who effortlessly puts his outfit together. Someone who cares, but not too much. Otherwise he'll have me spending more time primping myself and deciding what to wear just to beat him.
