Monday, April 19, 2010

How To Make Love Like A Porn Star

I first discovered Jenna Jameson's autobiography at the Borders on Santana Row while I was waiting for my older sister to browse. I wasn't in the mood for shopping so I decided to pick a corner and just chill. Last year I had an insatiable appetite for reading. I read so many books I can't recall all of them...for sure I read Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food & The Omnivore's Dilemma, Catch-22, Wicked, Alex & Me, 1984...and it ended with Les Miserables. At the end of 2009 I decided that my New Year's resolution would be to start a blog, which I have successfully done! And since 2010 I don't believe I have picked up a book or magazine to read until recently. For me, 2010 has been all about doing things and being proactive, even it means spending loads of money. Once I started pole dancing I don't think I ever had the time or energy to read. I don't even watch TV!

This year I've been less than enthusiastic to merely crack a book open and turn the first page, but there was something definitely appealing about Jenna Jameson's autobiography, How to Make Love Like A Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale. First of all, I have never watched porn in my entire life until recently. Yes I know that's surprising for someone my age and for a closet freak like me, but I never was curious enough and I didn't have the guts to do it because of stigma associated with it. But now I realize that it's pretty normal. I actually was introduced to porno from a recent friend I made this year. You would think he would start me slow with soft-core, but my first porno clips included a motley of double penetration, gang banging and the administration of fellatio to 5-10 guys by one girl.

You would think that being exposed to hard-core porn for your first time would turn you off completely, but I have to say that it actually suited me. For the most part, I actually like seeing and doing the extreme stuff first because then it makes everything else easy as pie. Honestly, if I watched porn that most women watch I would be bored out of my mind.

I'm the type of person who wants to know what guys like and what they fantasize about so that I can use it to my advantage. Since last year I have been subscribing to Maxim, GQ and Details and I would subscribe to FHM but it's too expensive for the UK version!

I don't ever have a desire to watch porn, and if I do watch it most of the time I'm observing the girl's technique rather than enjoying it like any normal person would. The couple of links that my friend sent me were great in terms of opening my eyes and learning a thing or two, and that's why Jenna's book intrigued me so much. I secretly want to be the best in everything. I don't consider myself competitive but I do hold a high standard for myself and I always want to set myself apart from my competition. AND THAT'S WHY JENNA JAMESON'S BOOK IS THE SHIT.

I recommend this book to everyone on the planet and I'm not even done reading it yet. Sure it definitely will provide a lot of insight to women who are interested in pursuing a career in stripping or pornography OR who have had experiences with coke, meth and assholes.

Going back to when I first stumbled onto Jenna's book in Borders, I immediately learned so much within the first few minutes of flipping through the pages.

I won't really divulge into the details of the book because I want everyone to read it on their own to realize what I'm talking about. I just wanted to put out there that Jenna had something to say and it's actually a great story.

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