Monday, April 26, 2010

I don't enjoy being crazy

I'm one of those people who really understand themselves. I know myself and my peculiar tendencies, but I still let them control me. When it comes to men in my life, I usually go through these crazy love-hate cycles that can be a bit self-destructive for my self-esteem and tiresome on the guy's side. I'll be alright for most of the month, and then out of the blue (and it's really OUT OF THE BLUE) I'm totally the most insecure person and need to start a fight or make some kind of dramatic statement that I'm gone and done with everything. Maybe it's not really out of the blue and I pent up a lot of my feelings and then take them all out on the one I care about, but who knows.

So last night I did this! And being a creature of habit I read my horoscope this morning and this is what it said!

"Your moods have been a bit erratic lately, which is starting to puzzle the people closest to you. Instead of making promises, like, “I’ll never let myself get (insert emotion) again,” honor the fact that you go through a rotating cycle of emotions. Create a soft space to land when you’re sad, pissed off, or otherwise in a negative space. This could come in the form of a chill space that’s all your own, or a weekly appointment with a healer or therapist. It’s not okay to take these feelings out on the people you love, but that’s what winds up happening when you don’t have a proper support structure set up for your dark spells."

People say that horoscopes are bogus, but sometimes they're really spot on. I've been using Elle's astrology website for a while and that's because most of the time it's accurate and can get pretty detailed and specific. I believe it told me go out and buy a purse one time.

Well even if I do go through these emotional cycles (probably a roller coast for men), I still think that what I say and what I feel are true and not just things I make up for the heck of it. I just know one thing is for sure, and that's if anyone ever wants me they're going to have to be prepared for this every month.

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad, everyone goes through moodiness now and then, it's only human. The important thing is to stay grounded and don't let things get out of control.
