Monday, April 19, 2010

Date Night

Last night I watched Date Night at the movie theater with my sisters (love Tina Fey!). I was really looking forward to just relaxing and watching a comedy, which is basically one of my favorite past times, but instead this movie had my mind racing with new ideas and a desire to spend a lot of cash.

Basically there were two reasons why this movie made me want to race home and spend dough. First of all, this movie featured the Audi R8. Secondly, this movie had scenes in a strip club featuring beautiful women in all sorts of costumes.

What did I do when I got home? First of all I changed my FB profile picture to an Audi R8. Unfortunately, this car is too expensive to even dream about owning. Forget about it...unless you're fucking Lauren Conrad.

I just wanted to say that these pictures do no justice to this car. The movie did an amazing job marketing the Audi R8. If only you could hear it purr and see the engine underneath a glass window glowing underneath blue LED lights in the back of the car. You just have to see it and hear it for yourself.

The next thing I did was visit all my favorite online websites...Snaz75, Forplay Catalog, 3Wishes, and Chynna Dolls. I was scoring through all the links and pages to find stripper costumes and accessories. Thank god I didn't let myself actually purchase anything, because I would've spent a load of credit.

I clearly remember one stripper in the movie that had these silver lame elbow length gloves with a silver monokini-like outfit. Even though it could like tacky and almost like she's about to go onto a space ship, I thought it was hot.

A few of the things I was looking at online were fish nets, gloves, jewelry, and fish net dresses because I ultimately couldn't find what that girl was wearing. I stayed up until 2AM just window shopping online. Can you imagine how out of control I would be if I was actually professionally employed to dress up like a stripper? Dangerous.

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