Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Latex, Latex, & More Latex

My newest fetish wear obsession is latex. What originally peaked my interest was Agent Provocateur's black latex stockings. I felt they truly symbolized my alter ego, that little deviant dominatrix I keep in the closet so that I can go about regular day-to-day activities without inflicting too much physical pain onto unsuspecting people. Sadly, Agent Provocateur's collections are limited when it comes to latex, but on the upside BDSM specialty retailers aren't.

Mr. S Leather and Madame S Boutique, located in San Francisco, cater to the latex and leather clad sexual deviants. While I don't particularly subscribe to BDSM, I do find that some of their apparel isn't all together completely terrifying. I plan on getting their black latex stockings since they're only a 1/3 of AP's price! If I'm feeling brave, I might go into the store instead of buying them online. I wonder which friend I'm going to drag along with me...

While latex has always been associated with the kinky and raunchy BDSM culture, I have discovered a few note-worthy specialty retailers that have successfully transformed latex into couture. These retailers have been able to re-invent the design and style of latex without losing the original concept. My stand-out favorite is Atsuko Kudo (it's European of course!)

Yes, that is Kate Moss in the picture above. AK also has tons of press and was commissioned to create a special piece for Lady GaGa. I love you Lady GaGa!

Another European retailer that specializes in couture latex is Jane Doe Latex. Jane Doe's designs are definitely more edgy and and offer latex styles for the rocker or pin-up girl.

Ok, so if that wasn't enough latex for you I also really like the latex stockings manufactured by Syren Fetish Fashion. I love these purple and pink ones. I can be naughty one night and sweet the next.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some hot fashions by Atsuko Kudo in the photos in this post. I can see why Kate Moss and Lagy Gaga have both worn them. I LOVE Lady Gaga too! In fact my last 4 blog posts at http://www.full-brief-panties.blogspot.com have had something to do with Lady Gaga. (Sorry about using the word "I" so much). I'm definitely going to be checking in on this blog regularly hoping your "alter ego, that little deviant dominatrix" you keep in the closet shows up more. Those Agent Provocateur black latex stockings are sexy and the frilly legged hot pink latex panties by Syren Fetish Fashion are really feminine. I wonder if they make those in full briefs too? Love your blog!
